As directed by the CBSE Board, New Delhi, classes VI – X will have two Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment during both the terms of an academic session. Necessary amendments will be introduced in line with the instructions from the Board. Classes I – V will have continuous assessments on a regular basis.
Along with scholastic skills, co-scholastic skills will be tested during both the terms. Special focus is laid on life skills, attitude and values, participation and achievements in competitions, as well as literary activities along with creative and scientific skills. Due importance is given to clubs in the school, besides health and Physical Education programs.
Evaluation is continuous and comprehensive as directed by the C.B.S.E Board. Continuous assessments are carried out throughout the year and parents are given timely feedback. Parent-Teacher Meetings are held after the assessments for the parents to understand their child’s progress.
For Upper Primary and High School children, mandated C.B.S.E evaluation process is followed where project work, Lab work and regular examinations are taken into consideration.