Welcome to Nagarjuna Vidyaniketan


The school has already earned reputation for its excellent academic standards. It is a matter of pride that the school has been achieving 100% results since its inception, in the AISSE Examination for X Std, by CBSE Board, New Delhi, with maximum students getting Distinction and First Class.



The school has a glorious history in academics ever since its inception with outstanding AISSE results.
Result of AISSE Examination for X Std by CBSE Board, New Delhi: Since inception

Year Result Top Scorer Total Percentage Distinction & First Class
1999 - 2000

100 %

Kushbu. R

87 %

83 %

2000 – 2001

100 %


92.6 %

100 %

2001 - 2002

100 %


89 %

90 %

2002 - 2003

100 %

Ramya. S. G

96 %  *

95 %

2003 - 2004

100 %

T. Vinod Kumar

96.2 % *

96 %

2004 - 2005

100 %

N. Spurthy & Vidya Reddy

92.4 %

95 %

2005 - 2006


P.U. Yathin

94.6 %

96 %

2006 - 2007


Tejus. B

96.8 %

100 %

2007 - 2008


Shilpi Sen

94 %

100 %

2008 - 2009

100 %

Yogender D Prabhu



Year Result Top Scorer CGPA
2009 - 2010 100% Sushmitha Hegde 10
2010 - 2011 100% Akhil Raj Azhikodan
Hitesh Vamshi
Mahantesh S L
Mukul R
Varsha Meghana
Vilma Poonacha M

Top Scorers in Bangalore Subject Toppers

Year Max. Marks English 100 II Language Mathematics 100 Science 100 S. Science 100
Hindi 100 Kannada 100 Sanskrit 100
1999 - 2000 90 90 - 98 94 81 81
2000 – 2001 86 84 - 98 97 89 89
2001 - 2002 89 90 - 91 96 92 92
2002 - 2003 94 * 97 * - 99 97 97 97
2003 - 2004 94 95 - 92 100 * 97 99
2004 - 2005 97* 87 - 96 97 97 98
2005 - 2006 88 95 - 98 99 98 97
2006 – 2007 91 95 92 99 100* 96 99
2007 - 2008 90 92 85 100* 98 95 96
2008 - 2009 96 95 85 100* 100* 97 99

* Top scorers in Bangalore   Number of A1 Subject wise

Year English II Language Mathematics Science S. Science
Hindi Kannada Sanskrit
2009 – 2010 9 5 1 8 24 9 17
2010 – 2011 12 2 4 5 15 12 9
2011-2012 39   19 12 28 36 33